por | jul 20, 2020

(CNAS) In the midst of the unprecedented situation of the global pandemic that has caused quarantines in the ten countries that make up the South American Region, the six seminaries that serve the Region have begun an agreement to offer the course Theological Education in Quarantine provided by professors who serve in the different Centers of Education by Extension throughout the Region.

A total of 260 professors connected via Zoom during the course that lasted five weeks and finished on July 7, 2020. Dr. Jorge Julca, Regional Education Coordinator for South America said regarding the class, “This has been an incredible experience, without precedent, to have our professors from the ten countries in the region connected virtually in this course that is so pertinent to the challenge we face teaching in our new reality.”

The topics covered for theological educators were: New Scenarios and Theological Education, New Virtual Methods, Evaluation Methods for Virtual Education, and Resources for Virtual Teaching. The professors in the course came from five countries. They were specialists with experience in higher education and with professional training in the different areas they taught.

Reverend Patricio Huanca, Rector of Nazarene Biblical Seminary in Chile said, “The topics that were covered provided answers to the relevant questions that our professors had in respect to teaching and evaluating students. Each presenter spoke from his or her experience. They gave information and useful tools to apply in virtual classes.”

During the time of the pandemic the seminaries of the South American Region are offering classes via different virtual methods making use of the technological tools available to continue serving the church in the formation of the next generation of Nazarene ministers.

Source: Jorge L. Julca – Regional Education Coordinator

Translation: Paul Clark


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